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Mobility All you need to know about the Luxembourgish driving licence
August 4, 2016 jeunes, expatries
Even if there's no chip in your car that judges your driving skills, you still have 12 points on your driving licence that can easily disappear. So you better keep those valuable points because driving fast can cost a lot of money.

How does the Luxembourgish driving licence system exactly work?

Did you know that every violation on the road will cost you one or more of your 12 points? The grid containing all of the rules is on the website of the Luxembourgish Ministry of Transportation, however it is enough if you just remember these following examples:

  • Driving drunk with an alcohol use level morer than 0,8% will result losing 4 points for the driver and the passenger because he let the driver get in his car while being drunk.

  • Driving drunk with an alcohol use level more than 0,5% will result losing 2 points for the driver and the passenger because he let the driver get in his car while being drunk. However be aware that young drivers are not allowed to drive with an alcohol use level more than 0,2%.

  • Driving without a seatbelt: - 2 points

  • Using your phone while driving: - 2 points

  • Driving more than 50% above the maximum speed limit: - 4 points

  • Excessing the speed at 15 km/h in urban areas, 20km/h on country roads and 25 km/h on motorways: - 2 points.

As you've probably already noticed, your first two years of driving are tough because the rules are stricter, especially the rules concerning alcohol. However the strictness is justified, it is proven that young drivers cause most of the accidents on the road.

A fair amount of drivers wonder how many points they've got left. Even good drivers aren't always sure if all of their points are still remaining. They could have speeded, gotten flashed and never received the fine.

The Luxembourgish law says that after a violation, the agent must clearly inform the driver how many points he will lose. In addition, you sign a document confirming that you have been well informed. So always make sure that you are on the same page with your agent or the police.

Subsequently, you will receive a letter indicating the points that you have lost and the points that are still remaining.

Retrieve your points!

If you have committed several violations and lost a fair amount of points, then you are probably regretting your actions and wishing you could somehow get these points back, because losing all of your points is not an easy matter…You will not be allowed to drive for an entire year and you'll be obliged to go to the Centre de Formation pour Conducteurs in 'Colmar-Berg' for a training course of 5 days before retrieving all of your 12 points.

How can I retrieve my points?

You will automatically retrieve all of your 12 points if you haven't violated any laws for 3 consecutive years.

And if you are really determined, you can go to 'Colmar Berg' to retrieve 3 points! However you can only do this once every 3 years.

Remember, your driving licence is important. It validates your driving abilities. Don't lose your points, they are valuable and hard to retrieve.