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Family & leisure Personal third-party liability insurance: essential at the s
September 2, 2022
At the start of the school year, you often have to provide third-party liability insurance for your children at school. But what exactly is covered by personal third-party liability insurance? What purpose does it serve? And is it worthwhile adding third party liability cover with your other insurance?

La responsabilité civile est une assurance qui couvre les dommages matériels et corporels que vous ou un membre de votre foyer (y compris un animal de compagnie) peut causer à une autre personne. Ces dommages peuvent être de diverses natures : votre enfant peut casser des bibelots chez des amis, votre chien abîmer le canapé des voisins, la liste peut être longue et coûteuse. 

How does personal third-party liability life insurance work?

Personal third-party liability life insurance is not compulsory in Luxembourg.
However, small accidents do happen and third-party liability insurance applies if you or a member of your household, including your dog, causes material or physical damage to a third party; for example: 

  • your child, on a moped, accidentally injures a friend at school: personal third-party liability insurance will compensate the other party.
  • you break your neighbour's window while playing football in the garden: it is your personal third-party insurance which will pay for the repairs.

It therefore covers you for the damage caused by your children, or your pet, to any other person, whether the damage is material or physical.

However, there is an information to bear in mind: if you own a dog, some municipalities require mandatory privacy liability insurance to cover any damage it could cause.

How do I take out personal third-party liability cover?

Personal third-party liability cover is usually an integral or optional part of a home insurance policy. The premium may vary depending on the number of people in the household.

What other insurance might be useful to have for your child or in your household?

You must know that personal third-party liability insurance does not apply between people from the same household. If your child or your pet breaks your state-of-the-art phone, your personal third-party liability insurance will not pay for the damage. It only covers damage or loss caused to other people.

So, remember to check how your valuables are insured under your home policy. Did you know that additional cover may be added to your policy to protect some of your valuables against the vagaries of life?

It may also be useful to take out other insurance, such as accident insurance. Accident insurance protects you and your family if damage occurs during an accident of any kind.

As you will have understood, although personal third-party liability insurance is not compulsory (except for dog owners), it is essential in order to be covered for all the damage which you or members of your household may cause to other people. However, it does not cover you as between the different members of your household, so do not hesitate to take out accident insurance, or check and increase the optional cover in your home policy.

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