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Home Are the contents of your home insured at their fair value?
June 30, 2021
When you take out your home insurance policy, you must declare the value of your possessions. This involves covering different types of possessions, particularly your personal possessions which are sometimes undervalued. Why must we not underestimate the assessment of the values insured?

The amount of the total value of your personal possessions

The insured value of the contents refers to movable possessions: furniture, decoration, valuables, clothing and accessories, a wine cellar, household appliances, hi-fi equipment or audiovisual installations. This includes everything you can move without damaging the walls, except for your kitchen equipment and bathroom fittings, which form part of your home and are automatically insured. This can be a significant sum, whether you live in a small apartment or a large house.

A factor which partly determines your compensation

The amount you indicate is the maximum compensation limit above which you cannot be compensated, so it is important that this is high enough to ensure that your policy covers your requirements as completely as possible.

In the event of a claim, an expert will estimate the value of the destroyed or damaged possessions in order to calculate your loss. In order to calculate your loss as accurately as possible, he will take wear and tear into account in his estimate. Indeed, whenever you buy a piece of furniture or audiovisual equipment, it naturally loses value over time.

The valuable “reinstallation at new” option

The “reinstallation at new” option improves the level of compensation because it enables you to avoid depreciation being applied to certain possessions, depending on their age. It thus provides for an estimate for your possessions with similar features, at their value when new. For more peace of mind, we advise you to take this out.

The need regularly to reassess the sums you insure

The life of a home insurance policy changes at the same rate as your personal life. Throughout your life, you will make changes to your home or buy things and they therefore will impact the overall value of the personal possessions in your home. Are you renovating your kitchen, building up a wine cellar, treating yourself to the purchase of a work of art, a piece of jewellery or a luxury watch? Remember to inform your agent immediately so that he can amend your policy and reassess with you the sums insured under your policy.