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Mobility The Luxembourg highway code: spot the difference
November 21, 2023 expatries
Luxembourg is a small country, but its highway code has some peculiarities. Do you know them? Whether you are a new resident or a cross-border driver, this overview of the few differences between Luxembourg, France, Germany and Belgium will be of great use to you.
Reminder of speed limits in Luxembourg and bordering countries

There are subtle differences in speed limits between Luxembourg and bordering countries; here is an overview of the different maximum speeds:

Speed limit country Luxembourg France Belgium Germany
Urban area 50km/h (30km or 20km in certain zones) 50km/h 50km/h (except Brussels capital 30km/h) 50 km/h
Outside of urban area 90km/h 80km/h ou 90km/h 90km/h 100km/h



110km/h in bad weather


110km/h in bad weather

No limit

(unless indicated) but recommended 130km/h
Tunnels 90km/h / / /


Some particularities of the Luxembourg highway code

The Luxembourg highway code encompasses certain particularities that are good to know for driving safely in Luxembourg.

The subtlety of turning left at a crossroads

                             Code de la route croisement

Cars turning left at a crossroads must cross in front of each other, and not behind one another.

Obligation of the "zipper system"

                                               Code de la route tirette

The "zipper system" is obligatory and applied on roads with several lanes in the same direction, when traffic is disrupted due to the closure of a lane or when entering the motorway in heavy traffic. According to this principle, drivers in the ending lane only change lanes at the last moment, near the closure, thereby joining the remaining lane. Drivers in the open lane must facilitate insertion of drivers in the closed lane by following an alternation principle where each driver gives way to the driver changing lanes. Non-compliance with this rule is punishable by a €74 fine.

How to use a roundabout in Luxembourg ?

The turn signal must be used only to indicate that you are exiting a roundabout. In the case of a roundabout with several lanes of traffic, simply move to the left if you wish to use the left lane or the leftmost exit. It is not necessary to use the left turn signal like in France, for example. Then simply use the right turn signal to indicate your intention to change lanes and exit the roundabout.


Are winter tyres really obligatory?

Driving a vehicle in winter conditions (ice, packed snow, slush, patches of ice or frost) is only authorised in Luxembourg with winter tyres fitted on all wheels of the vehicle. Winter tyres or all-season tyres bearing the indication "M.S.", "M+S", "M&S" or the alpine symbol are considered valid.

It is not a general obligation to equip motor vehicles with winter tyres during the winter season. The obligation will only apply when the vehicle is driven in winter weather conditions. Vehicles parked on public roads are not affected by this measure.

This obligation also does not apply to vehicles such as tractors or self-propelled machines.


Parking rules

In Luxembourg, the vast majority of communes apply the system of a residential parking sticker, to be requested from the commune. This allows free parking in your neighbourhood if it is in a paid zone.

In Luxembourg city, most parking spaces are paid or conditional on the use of a residential sticker or disc. You must apply for a residence permit from the commune. All residents of the capital who possess a sticker can park for free for 2 hours in another district of the city. In this case you will need to affix a white disc to the windscreen, on which you must indicate your departure time from the parking space.

In certain areas, you can park for free for a limited time with a blue disc. These areas are indicated by blue panels with a white P and the indication of the disc, such as in the communes of Strassen or Hesperange. Very often, parking is therefore free for 1 and a half or 2 hours. Please note, your arrival time must be indicated on this disc.

Fines for improper parking can range from €12 to €145 depending on the type of violation.

An unusual thing for many foreign residents – have you perhaps noticed cars parked in the wrong direction on two-way streets? This is in fact possible for two-way streets provided that the centre line is discontinuous.


Watch out for pedestrians

Pedestrians are required to cross on the appropriate crossings and to obey the traffic lights on crossings that have them. They also cannot cross the road if a pedestrian crossing is nearby. Apart from any nearby crossing, motorists must stop to allow a pedestrian to pass, even if the pedestrian is crossing the road without using an authorised crossing.


What about the Luxembourg driving licence?

Luxembourg uses a points-based driving licence system with an initial allocation of 12 points. Traffic offences lead to deductions of points. This is the case for drunk driving (-4 to -6 points), speeding (-2 to -4 points), not wearing a seatbelt (-2 points) and using the phone in the car (-2 points).

During the first two years of the licence, the severity is increased for young drivers. In case of an infraction, the driver is informed of the number of points deducted, with confirmation by post.

To recover the 12 points, you must drive faultlessly for three years without another infraction. It is also possible to recover 3 points by completing a voluntary one day course (possible once every three years). Losing all points leads to a one year suspension and requires 5 days of training before recovering the 12 point licence.

Any new resident from a country in the European Economic Area can request the exchange of their original licence for a Luxembourg driving licence. In this case, you will have to surrender your foreign driving licence.

You can find a certain number of rules of the Luxembourg highway code on the road transport website.

Above all, don’t forget to drive well insured