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About Us Data Policy
Personal data processing policy

As an insurer, it is essential for Baloise to have sufficient and necessary information to assess the risks to insure (and furnish you the adequate rates and guarantees), manage contracts and claims. This information may have a personal character. The way it is treated (collection, storage, use , modification) is the object of his present policy.

1. General information on data treatment
Data types

Different collected, used, stored data such as:

  • Personal information as your name and birthdate;
  • Contact data as your address, phone number and e-mail address;
  • Bank data for the payments treatments such as your bank number;
  • Data necessary to the calculation of the insurance premium of specific products, such as the license plate of your vehicle, mileage and excluded risks,
  • Information on previous insurances. insurer, and claims included
  • Data on your family and financial situation such as the number of persons in your household
  • Health data with your consent or on any other authorized ground,
  • Data on the use you make with our websites (via cookies for example).

Once the legal storing period is over for these data, or if they have no more reason to exist anymore, these data will be simply erased or anonymized.


Purposes of the data treatment

We will only use your data for the purposes that we communicated to you when we collected your data, either with your consent, or where processing is necessary for pre-contractual measures or for the performance of the contract, or for legitimate interest purposes, or because we are obliged to do so by law.

1.2.1.  Management of contract and claims

We collect, store and treat your data when they are necessary to:

  • Manage the relationship with the client,
  • Establish a client profile,
  • Offer services,
  • Manage claims,
  • Issue invoices,
  • Answer questions,
  • Offer a technical support.

1.2.2.Product improvement

We collect, store and treat your data in order to assess and improve our existing services and to develop new products and services.

1.2.3. Compliance with legal requirements

To respect our legal obligations, we are required to have certain information, for Anti money laundering and terrorism financing prevention or tax information exchanges.

1.2.4. Fraud prevention

We treat your personal data to prevent insurance fraud and abuses

1.2.5.    Marketing

We may also use with your consent your personal data to offer or present you products and services which are adapted to your personal situation.

Transfer of your data to other enterprises

We want to insure you in the best possible way. We may therefore transfer your data to other insurance companies (as part of co-insurance) or to reinsurers.

We may also communicate this data to third parties or subcontractors in the cases and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Article 300 of the Law of December 7, 2015 on the Insurance Sector instituting professional secrecy in insurance matters.

Transfer of your data to other enterprises

We want to insure you in the best possible way. We may therefore transfer your data to other insurance companies (as part of co-insurance) or to reinsurers.

We may also communicate this data to third parties or subcontractors in the cases and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Article 300 of the Law of December 7, 2015 on the Insurance Sector instituting professional secrecy in insurance matters.


Exchange of your data with third parties

When this will be necessary, data will be exchanged with the following persons:

  • our medical adviser;
  • a reinsurer at the time of the underwriting or when settling a claim;
  • an agent or broker for the administration of your contracts;
  • an insurer in a co-assurance framework (underwriting or claim settling) or in a simple claim settling;
  • a public officer for the recovery of a debt or of an unpaid premium;
  • a bankruptcy administrator.

When required, we may also receive (or share) pertinent supplementary information coming from administrations, private insurers, reinsurers, social security organisms, other intermediaries or other third parties which are legitimately involved in the contract issuing or management or the claim settling.

External service providers in Luxembourg or abroad

By service providers, we mean experts, claims adjustment offices and lawyers

The service providers are contractually required to use data exclusively for the achievement of the tasks they have to accomplish.

If necessary, we impose to the non EU service providers the obligations required from the European Commission and regulation, in order to guarantee you the most adequate protection for your persona data.

Your rights on your data

You are entitled to:

  • know precisely the personal data we have;
  • correct or complete incorrect or incomplete data we have;
  • to ask for the deletion of your data, totally or partially unless an applicable law requires us to continue to store it;
  • to limit the treatment of your data to certain objectives or to oppose to a treatment;
  • to ask for the transfer of your data to a third party.

To exercise this right, you need to formulate your request in writing, per mail or e-mail, together with a copy of your id-document.

If you notice that your rights are not respected, you may file in a complaint with the data protection authority (

Storage period

We store your data as long as it is necessary or prescribed by law.

Modifications to this data treatment information

Our personal data policy is constantly updated. This current version is the latest one.

Data treatment specific to the insurance sector

In the life, accidents and liability insurances sector, we must treat certain personal data such as your health data.

This information is treated in order to assess risks before an insurance policy conclusion, to perform contractual obligations and to settle claims. As hereabove mentioned, you are always entitled to request a partial or total restriction of the treatment of data in our possession, this could having as consequence an impossibility for Baloise to be able to settle a claim.

The service providers with whom we are working are contractually obliged to respect the data protection rules, the confidentiality duty and the data securization. 


3. Data securization

We treat your data with confidentiality. We take care of their security and take all necessary measures for the data securization. The applied IT security standards are constantly updated in order to offer an optimal data protection level.

Internet risks

Generally, when you send data on the internet, it is at your own risk.
We can however guarantee that on the Baloise websites, the sent data are protected with adequates locking mechanisms.

We take also technical and organisational security measures aiming at reducing risks on our websites. However, we have no idea about the securization level of the device you use. It is up to you to inform yourself on the required prevention measures and to take the appropriate measures.

Access blocking

When we see security risks, we have the right to interrupt access to our websites or, in more serious cases, to block it until the security risks have disappeared. We are not responsible for losses or damages resulting from the interruption or the blocking of the access.

Contact data

For more information, questions, suggestions, complaints about data protection, please contact our Data Protection Officer:

Groupe Baloise à Luxembourg
Data Protection Officer
8, rue du Château d'Eau   L-3364 Leudelange